Holistic Reflexology – An Alternative Approach To Health Care

by Dorit Brauer, published in Pennsylvania Health & Fitness Magazine November 1998

Each organ of the body has a corresponding reflex point on the foot.

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A calm and soothing stimulation of the reflex points of the feet heal body and mind.

Holistic Reflexology is a unique and natural treatment whereby the entire body may be reached through gently massaging the reflex points which are located in the feet.

The origins of Holistic Reflexology can be found 5000 years ago in China and 3000 years ago in Egypt, and in the 1930’s Holistic Reflexology was introduced in Western Society.

The basic principle of Holistic Reflexology is that through the feet the entire body may be treated, as each organ of the body has a corresponding reflex point on the foot.

The link – connecting the feet and the various organs of the body – are the meridians, a system of energy lines extending throughout the body from head to foot. These meridians form the basis of Chinese Medicine and are also instrumental in shiatsu and acupuncture.

The subject of energy lines and energy fields may sound vague and unscientific; however through the use of Kirlian photography, a special kind of photography which can actually photograph fields of energy surrounding objects, it has been proven that the field of energy surrounding the human body increases significantly following a reflexology treatment.

Holistic Reflexology has many positive benefits. It aids in harmonizing and balancing the body’s energy system. It also enhances the self-healing power of the body, increases the blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, and relieves pain and tension in the muscles. Another important positive benefit derived from Holistic Reflexology, particularly in our busy western society, is that it provides a deep relaxation and stress reduction.

Holistic Reflexology treats not only the symptoms of a problem, but its origin.

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Holistic Reflexology Certification students in training.

The basis and also one of the main reasons that Holistic Reflexology has been so successful through the years is that it treats not only the symptoms of a problem, but its origin. Throughout the healing process the patient is constantly involved in order for him/her to achieve a deeper understanding and awareness for their body.

This process will take time, but we must keep in mind that an illness or disease develops over many years, according to the lifestyle, nutrition, emotions and stress one is exposed to, as well as many other factors. Therefore one cannot expect that Holistic Reflexology will offer solutions to these problems in a week or two. However, a treatment series will normally not last longer than three months. Then we must take a break and let the body rest, so it may analyze by itself the new information it has received during the treatments, restoring the natural inner balance.

In ancient China the doctor’s task was to take care of the health of the population in such a way that illness was to be prevented. If someone became ill the doctored failed his task.

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Holistic Reflexology Certification students in training.

Holistic Reflexology is an excellent form of preventative medicine. You do not have to be ill to begin thinking about your health. This is one of the main differences between complementary and conventional medicine practiced today in western society. Oftentimes the focus of conventional medicine is on illness and disease and doctors are only consulted after a health problem occurs. But there is an alternative to that. In ancient China the doctor’s task was to take care of the health of the population in such a way that illness was to be prevented. If someone became ill the doctored failed his task.

All forms of complementary medicine, including Holistic Reflexology, have become more and more popular in recent times as many people have seemed to realize that there are limitations and shortfalls of todays’ high-tech medicine, which sometimes treats the human body as if it were a machine. Hopefully we are entering now a time where conventional and complementary medicine may begin to work together hand in hand for the benefit of all.

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Holistic Reflexology students in training, exchanging practical hands-on Reflexology work.

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