Align With A Higher Truth

Align with a Higher Truth and Discover the Highest Level of Inner Peace and Clarity

In April 2024 I had the great joy to built a labyrinth to honor the ancestors in my yard. I designed the sacred circle with handpicked rocks on which I painted POWER WORDS.  The Center Stone of the Ancestral Strength Labyrinth features the Hebrew word Emet אמת, which translates to Truth. 

Align with Truth
Aligning with Truth. Walking the Ancestral Strength Labyrinth with my Holistic Reflexology Students. Left to right: Aubrey Johnson (2023 Holistic Reflexology Graduate), Osha, Teacher Dorit Brauer, Leslie Coffman and Stacy Desai.

Emet אמת is a spiritual quality that you can invite into your life. Focus on the quality of truth אמת in your meditations and you will begin to see truth אמת unfold in your life. Let truth אמת guide you and shine the light on your path. Gradually you will experience increased inner peace and clarity and not be swayed by the storms of the outside world.

The Center Stone of the Ancestral Strength Labyrinth.
The Center Stone of the Ancestral Strength Labyrinth.

In this time where it seems difficult to discern truth אמת from un-truth שקר it is essential to create a positive shift within. We may not change the world, but we can change ourselves.

By creating a positive shift within you will be able to gain a new perspective on how you see the world. This allows you to align with the next higher level of consciousness in your personal evolution. The moment you change within, you will see the world with new eyes. 

Align with Truth
Holistic Reflexology Students pick their favorite qualities after walking the Ancestral Strength Labyrinth. Left to right: Aubrey Johnson (2023 Holistic Reflexology Graduate), Osha, Stacy Desai and Leslie Coffman

Align with Truth and See that Truth Prevails and Falsehood Collapses.

Please take a closer look at the Hebrew letters and notice that the letters for the word TRUTH אמת stand on their own, in contrast to the word Sheker שקר, which translates to lie or falsehood. The letters for TRUTH אמת “emet” – aleph, mem, tav, which all rest solidly on their foundations – are contrasted with the letters of “sheker,” “falsehood,” each of which sways back and forth on a single point.

This emphasizes the eternal truth that truth prevails and falsehood collapses.

If you understand this concept, you can relax into “truth” and let the world of falsehoods go by. Truth can stand, falsehood cannot stand.

This is a very important realization for the time we live in now.

Reflexology Students walking the Ancestral Strength Labyrinth prior to class.
Reflexology Students walking the Ancestral Strength Labyrinth prior to class.

Invoke a Higher Truth Meditation:

1.) Imagine a ball of vibrant sunlight three feet above your head.

The ball of light above your head contains the essence of the HIGHEST TRUTH אמת.

The sun rays shine into your consciousness and stream all around you, washing away everything that does not serve you.

You are surrounded by a protective shield of high vibration consciousness, the HIGHEST TRUTH אמת, which now guides you in your life and eliminates the world of illusions and lies. 

2.) Every day meditate on the word TRUTH אמת. Connect to its light and essence and trust that the truth will unfold in your life.

3.) Say the word E M E T (pronunciation of Truth אמת in Hebrew) , or invoke the Hebrew: Aleph, Mem, Tav. And then repeat Aleph, Mem, Tav like a mantra. 

Embrace inner peace and clarity. Expect positive shifts and look for meaningful synchronicities, which will begin to show up and guide you in life.


Navigate the Storms of the World by Aligning with your Highest Truth

Schedule your Inner Wisdom Counseling appointment with Dorit today.

Align with Truth Further Reading:

A higher level of truth transcends the mundane world of polarity, read The Most Important Journey.

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