The Emotional Healing Power of Reflexology

In holistic reflexology, clients can often experience an emotional healing journey with their physical one.

It can be a surprise, especially for clients seeking relief from physical symptoms, like a recent client who had an emotional release during her first reflexology session.

She said, “Wow, this was amazing. I feel a million times lighter, like a burden was lifted from my shoulders. I had no idea that this could happen. I always thought reflexology only works on the physical.”

An emotional release happens when a patient experiences a strong emotional reaction during the session and sometimes consciously revisits a past trauma. A physical response may follow, e.g., tears. After such a release, often an immediate positive life change takes place.

Why do I feel an emotional release after reflexology?

Holistic reflexology works on all levels of our being, including physical, mental, and emotional. We cannot separate a person from their life circumstances and past experiences. They impact our total health and well-being and are essential parts of who we are.

In Chinese Medicine (the tradition from which we get reflexology), all organs are related to emotions. As we stimulate the organs’ reflex points in the feet, emotions can release, allowing patients to heal past trauma gently and safely.

reflexology chart with emotional points
Chart from the Holistic Reflexology Certification Program


How does reflexology cleanse and detoxify the mind, body, and emotions?

In the early stages of holistic reflexology treatment, a client’s first several sessions focus on cleansing and detoxifying the body.

The reflex points of the urinary, lymphatic, and digestive systems are activated. At the same time, the client experiences a mental cleansing.

To understand this, we must look at the brain wave level activity. Brain wave level activity is measured in hertz (cycles per second). Our brains function between four hertz (deep sleep) and 20 hertz (solving math problems or experiencing high stress).

The frequencies between 8 and 9.5 hertz are alpha waves. These occur the moment before we fall asleep. An experienced holistic reflexologist helps patients enter and maintain an alpha wave state throughout a session.

Here, patients float between falling asleep and awakening and enter a state of enhanced self-healing.

This relaxed state allows the patients to connect to themselves and experience dream-like states and vivid imagery. Sometimes, memories are released from the subconscious mind, which can directly related to a patient’s current health condition.

In ancient Greece, philosophers knew how to use the brain’s alpha wave level activity to their advantage. Pythagoras was known to work long hours to find a solution to a problem. At the end of the day, he took a warm bath. While sinking into a deep relaxation, the solution would reveal itself as a dream.

A Case Study in Reflexology & Emotional Healing

The case study of my client Ronit illustrates the emotional healing power of reflexology. Ronit was in her late twenties. She had long, dark hair, a slender physique, and a cheerful smile, which vanished as she explained her reason for seeing me.

She suffered from unexplained chest pain and heart palpitations. She had consulted several specialists, and they did not find a physical cause for her symptoms.

When I took her medical history and analyzed her feet, I found nothing unusual, so I began to work on cleansing and detoxifying her body.

During her fourth session, Ronit began to cry uncontrollably, and her entire body shivered violently. I guided her through deep breathing exercises and stimulated the related reflex points on her feet.

She calmed down after several minutes. Following the session, she gave me the details of her experience:

“I felt very relaxed and began to drift off. All of a sudden I saw myself back when I was twenty-three.  I was on my way to college, driving in my car. Someone cut me off, and I swerved, lost control of my car and drove into a tree. Nothing serious happened to me, but I totaled the car. I was very lucky.  I just relived it all, in slow motion. It was scary.”

Ronit spoke with a calm voice. She had not mentioned the car accident when she had given her medical history.  She also did not mention that she had been terrified to drive a car alone since the crash.

After this session, Ronit’s chest pain and heart palpitations disappeared. She was also able to drive alone, without fear.  This gave her a new sense of freedom and independence.

Ronit’s good health, balance, and mental equilibrium were wholly restored, in ways she didn’t expect when she began receiving holistic reflexology sessions.


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