Step Into Your Power
I had the great pleasure to present a life-transforming labyrinth experience at one of my favorite places: the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. We scheduled two events in which students learned the ancient tool of walking a labyrinth for healing, wholeness and meditation. Labyrinths date back as early as 400 BCE.
I created a 5-circuit temporary tape labyrinth in the covered Weisbrod Learning Pavilion in the Garden of the Five Senses. A temporary labyrinth quickly transforms any space into a sacred space.
Release, Receive and Reflect
Students learned to relax instantly by walking this labyrinth. I introduced the 3 R’s: Release, Receive and Reflect, and their importance for your everyday mental spiritual and emotional well-being. And of course, everyone who walks a labyrinth learns to embrace inner peace, clarity, focus and peace of mind.
Problem Solving Made Easy
In the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden workshops I placed special emphasis on the releasing of problems from one’s life. I offer a variety of evolving consciousness experiences and the first step to problem solving is the realization that problems belong exclusively to the world of polarity. The goal of meditation and a meditative labyrinth walk is to reach a place of unity; an inner sanctuary that transcends judgment, fear, anger and worry. As a matter of fact, it’s a different perception of reality and rises above the mundane. Everything is sacred, everything is a learning experience and everything offers the possibility for spiritual growth.
This world view allows to open one’s mind to the idea that every problem already contains it’s solution. It’s like two sides of the same coin; and it depends on the viewer, which side of the coin they look at.
Check out this video and learn about the Power of the Labyrinth:
Read Dorit’s award-winning autobiography!
Order now on Amazon: Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure Into Life’s Labyrinth.
See the Road Trip Pictures!
Meet the people, labyrinths and places from the epic journey.