Reflexology relieves Migraine Headaches

Reflexology Reduces Migraine Headache Pain

Check out my bi-lingual business card. When I lived in Tel Aviv I specialized in the treatment of migraine headaches. This card is probably from around 1995. My best referrals always come from satisfied clients. In Tel Aviv I was able to assist a number of patients with migraine headaches and then they referred everyone they knew with these symptoms to me. It became my specialty.

Holistic Reflexologist Pittsburgh
A special find: my first business card for Reflexology was bi-lingual in English and Hebrew.

The many positive health benefits of reflexology have been scientifically proven in research studies around the world. Please check out the Reflexology Research.

Dorit’s Articles are published in the USA and South Africa:

The Excitement of Practicing Reflexology and its Results by Dorit Brauer, published in The South African Reflexology Society Journal, 2011

Holistic Reflexology, Ancestral Strength & The Power of Strong Roots by Dorit Brauer, published in Reflexology Across America, Fall 2015

Listen to the Language of your Organs by Dorit Brauer, published in Reflexology Across America Magazine, Winter 2011.

Schedule your Holistic Reflexology appointment with Dorit Brauer

Contact Dorit

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Holistic Reflexology Certification starts every October.

Reflexology Research 

One Powerful Experience – watch Dorit as she shares the most significant turning point in her life.


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