The Lands End Labyrinth in San Francisco

One of the labyrinths I love: The Lands End Labyrinth in San Francisco. This sacred circle allows for a very special labyrinth experience due to its unique location. Change and transformation are always a certainty when walking a labyrinth.

Some labyrinths also go through a history of profound change and transformation. The Lands End Labyrinth was first created in 2004, then destroyed in 2011 and shortly after rebuilt by labyrinth friends. There is nothing more certain in life than change and impermanence. However, the inner experiences, spiritual transformations we go through when walking a labyrinth may stay with us forever.

The Lands End Labyrinth in San Francisco


View from the path to the Lands End Labyrinth


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Learn how to walk a labyrinth

Please enjoy this beautiful video about the Lands End Labyrinth

Read the full article about this amazing labyrinth here.

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