Highlights Labyrinth Conference Taos

Please enjoy the pictures from the 2011 annual Labyrinth Society conference in Taos, NM, where I presented my workshop “Ancestral Strength & the Heart of the Family Soul.

On the way to Taos. Labyrinth at the New Life Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
On the way to Taos. Labyrinth at the New Life Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Laughing Buddha next to labyrinth in Albuquerque, NM.
Unique Labyrinth created by Ac Tah at the Kachina Lodge in Taos, NM. To the right is Toby Evans, creator of the Prairie Labyrinth. I write about Toby and her labyrinth in Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure into Life’s Labyrinth in Chapters 8, 9 and 10.
Unique Labyrinth created by Ac Tah.
Amazing Trees next to the Labyrinth at Presbyterian Church in Taos, NM.
Amazing Trees next to the Labyrinth at Presbyterian Church in Taos, NM.
Labyrinth at Presbyterian Church in Taos, NM.
One of the 13 labyrinths at Stardreaming near Santa Fe, NM
One of the 13 labyrinths at Stardreaming near Santa Fe, NM
One of the 13 labyrinths at Stardreaming near Santa Fe, NM.
One of the 13 labyrinths at Stardreaming near Santa Fe, NM.
Tree of Life at Stardreaming.
Stardreaming near Santa Fe, NM.
Entrance to the Temple of the Sun at Stardreaming near Santa Fe, NM, with Sarah Nash.
Entrance to the Temple of the Sun at Stardreaming near Santa Fe, NM, with Sarah Nash.
Temple of Infinity at Stardreaming.
Temple of Infinity at Stardreaming.
Temple of Infinity at Stardreaming.
Temple of Infinity at Stardreaming.

Please read the Ancestral Strength & the Heart of the Family Soul workshop outline.

Learn how to walk a labyrinth

Contact Dorit

Dorit Brauer Labyrinth Design

Dorit’s Labyrinth Art

Labyrinths across the US: Dorit’s Road Trip Pictures

Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes healed a reader’s strained relationship to her mom. Please read the book excerpt.

Becoming A Seeker – Dorit explains the root for her sense of urgency of living and why we shouldn’t take anything for granted.

Enjoy this short video and hear what others say about Dorit’s Book and how it will benefit you.


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