Spiritual Nourishment at Farm To Table Pittsburgh

The Farm to Table Conference in Pittsburgh is my favorite annual conference. It focuses on what is essential. Keep it local, keep it real. Having grown up on a dairy farm in Germany’s Lower Rhine Valley, Farm To Table is very close to my heart. It supports local farmers, local businesses and the local economy.

For many years I presented I the Food Blessing Meditation every Friday before the Food Tasting and now we added a labyrinth for your spiritual nourishment.

Labyrinths are sacred circles found in every culture around the globe, dating back thousands of years. The labyrinth is a spiritual transformation power tool that answers our call to wholeness. It allows you to reach states of clarity, during troubled times and turmoil. Its single winding path invites you to relax, give up control, flow and trust.

Thank you to everyone who walked the labyrinth at Farm To Table in 2015. It was absolutely mesmerizing to witness strangers meet on the path and then walk together in unison and harmony. It is a great lesson and metaphor for life.

Please enjoy the picture highlights from the 2015 Conference and please mark you calendar for the 10th Anniversary Farm To Table Conference March 18 – March 19, 2016.

The seed pattern marks the beginning of a new labyrinth.

The labyrinth is very popular. It was absolutely mesmerizing to watch a school class walking it together in unison.

Walking a labyrinth together builds connection, mutual respect and compassion.

Two chefs in culinary school enjoy the labyrinth.


Walking the labyrinth with Dave Crawley and Erin Hart’s daughter Kathryn for a segment on KDKA TV News.

Dave Crawley KDKA TV and Dorit Brauer

Dave Crawley from KDKA TV asked if I had read ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.’
The answer is “Yes, of course.”

Girls fly jet planes, ride motorcycles and walk labyrinths. Together with jet pilot Erin Orga.

The labyrinth is busy throughout the conference.
This 7-circuit pattern dates back to 350 B.C. and touches something ancient in our soul. An aspect of ourselves that transcends time and space.

Kids love the labyrinth. They always run, never walk.

My fantastic web-master Mary Hagan Double designed the posters.

I love these kids!!! Circling into Happiness with Charlotte and Orion.

Inner Peace and Serenity can be yours. Take the first step today.

One of my favorite people: Noreen McGinnis Campbell from the McGinnis Sisters.

Cook at Home, the theme for the 2015 Farm To Table conference.


Related Articles:

Learn how to walk a labyrinth and join the spiritual adventure.

In 2008 I built the first hospital affiliated labyrinth in Western Pennsylvania. You are invited to visit the Cameron Wellness Center Labyrinth. 

Find a labyrinth in your area. It is easy with the World Wide Labyrinth Locator.

Labyrinths across the US: Dorit’s Road Trip Pictures

Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes healed a reader’s strained relationship to her mom. Please read the book excerpt.

Related Video Clips:

What’s the Big Deal with Labyrinths?

Becoming A Seeker – Dorit explains the root for her sense of urgency of living and why we shouldn’t take anything for granted.

Enjoy this short video and hear what others say about Dorit’s Book and how it will benefit you.

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