Imagine a Labyrinth at every Police Department

Meditative Pathways

Check out this incredible labyrinthine design at the Polizeipräsidium Bochum, Germany; sent to me by friends in Germany.
The police department was built between 1926 to 1929 in the late expressionistic style. Imagine having a labyrinth at every police department. How cool would that be!!!

Incredible labyrinthine design at the Polizeipräsidium Bochum, Germany.

Labyrinths are sacred pathways found in every culture around the globe, dating back thousands of years. The labyrinth is a spiritual transformation power tool that answers our call to wholeness.

It allows you to reach states of clarity, during troubled times and turmoil. Its single winding path invites you to relax, give up control, flow and trust. Walking a labyrinth together as a group builds connection, mutual respect and compassion.

Fellow Labyrinth Designer and Photographer Lars Howlett said upon seeing this picture: “You have the right to remain silent and walk this labyrinth!”

Related Articles:

Learn how to walk a labyrinth and join the spiritual adventure.

Find a labyrinth in your area. It is easy with the World Wide Labyrinth Locator. Just enter your Zip Code. Inner Peace and Serenity can be yours. Take the first step today.

Labyrinths across the US: Dorit’s Road Trip Pictures

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