Dorit’s Meditation Pharmacy

Journey Within

I would like to invite you to embark onto the most rewarding journey, the journey within. Begin your life-transforming meditation practice today by exploring the suggestions in my Meditation Pharmacy and then dive deeper by taking an in-person course with me.

I can’t imagine how one goes through life without a daily meditation practice. I am an avid meditator since 1981 and teach meditation in the US since 1998. I am very happy to share with you the tools that I use every day and that have helped thousands of students to live better lives.

The positive results of my courses were continuously evaluated and documented when I taught at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. The results speak for themselves:

  • 75% improved sleep
  • 74% reported decreased pain
  • 82% improved concentration and energy level
  • 92% decreased anxiety
  • 100% improved well-being and ability to cope with stress


The regular practice of meditation assists you in strengthening your resilience and allows you to cope easier with difficult situations in life.

Positive Intention for Every Day

Please start today and everyday with Peaceful Awakening  or the Evolving Consciousness.

It takes only two minutes to set the intention for a good day! Please learn more in this article: Your intention defines you as a person.

Creating Good Health, Overcoming Illness, Preventative Medicine

I recommend the Gratitude for your Body Meditation.

The regular practice of this meditation is proven to reduce pain. Gratitude is a force that is directed towards the future and creates more to be grateful for.

Enjoy the Healing Temple Meditation and embrace good health.

Being Overwhelmed, Too Much on your Mind, Mental Clutter

Practice the Empty your Mind Meditation.

Lack of Self-Love and Difficult Relationships

Practice the Abundant Love Meditation.

Letting Go of the Past, Inviting New Possibilities in your Life, Trusting in your Brilliant Future

Practice the Bridge Meditation.

Cleansing Difficult Memories from Your Past

Release the Past & Celebrate your Best Self Meditation.

Frustration with the World Around You, Excessive Consumption of News, e.g. CNN, Hopelessness

Practice the Heal Yourself, Heal The World Meditation.

Constant Bombardment by Negative Emotions

According to Holistic Medicine the emotions of fear, anger and worry create the greatest havoc in our bodies and it is essential to eliminate these emotions as soon a they occur, so they do not become accumulative over time. I recommend practicing the Open your Heart Meditation at least once a day, every day for 30 days.

Everything that does not serve your highest good, that makes you angry or fearful, put it into a box and give it away. This would be an excellent meditation to practice before sleep, so you are relaxed prior to bed time.

Practice the Open your Heart Meditation.

Pick one or two meditations from this list.

Practice them daily for 30 days.

Write your notes in a journal and see how your world changes for the better.

I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Go deeper! Schedule a one-on-one session with me. The individual consultation includes a personalized guided meditation, tailored specifically to your needs, of which you will receive a recording for your continued meditation success.

See the list of upcoming classes, including online courses offered during the fall and winter schedule. Each listing includes a short video, which tells you how you will benefit by taking the class. Check it out!

Embark on a fulfilling career path in holistic reflexology.

Inspirational News to Live a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilled Life

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