The Spiritual Path
When you choose the spiritual path as your life path you are always a student. I have the privilege to have studied with incredible teachers around the world.
Please meet Colette Aboulker-Muscat with whom I studied in Jerusalem.
She was a kabbalist, guided imagery teacher, healer, psychologist and holistic reflexologist.
I began studying with her, when she was in her early eighties and she passed over in 2003. She is still a true inspiration to me and from the photo you receive the sense of her colorful personality.

Colette Aboulker-Muscat’s Salons
Every week Colette welcomed up to 20 students into her home in Jerusalem for a teaching and study experience, which she called salons.
Students asked questions about spirituality, healing and life. Colette illuminated us with her extensive wisdom, her expertise as a healer and her life experience, which spanned two world wars, persecution and the awareness that life is fleeting and precious.
She was born into Sephardic Jewish aristocracy in Algiers in 1909. Her father was a prominent surgeon, her mother a novelist.
Colette concluded the salons with a short focused guided imagery meditation tailored to the needs of the students and the topics discussed.
I always felt uplifted and filled with light and insight, ready for the next level of inner evolution.
Her teachings inspire the guided meditations that I develop for my students and the specific needs as they deal with life struggles, loss, disease, aimlessness, depression and questions about life.
Please meet Colette Béatrice Aboulker-Muscat
The Wisdom Continues
I am honored to continue the legacy and teach guided imagery in the US since 1998.
Schedule a one-on-one Inner Wisdom Counseling appointment.
What to expect: