The Power of the Labyrinth
Labyrinths are ancient tools for transformation and healing. Labyrinths invite us to connect to our higher selves, build inner vision and peace.
I had the great joy to create the labyrinth at the Nemacolin Resort Meditation Garden for my Artist Residency in September 2022.
For me it’s truly magical how it all unfolded. The creative inner process of how this sacred circle was conceived emphasizes the greater mystery that we are all part of.
My love relationship with the Laurel Mountains of Pennsylvania, Ohiopyle and Nemacolin began during my first visit soon after my arrival in the US in 1998.
I visited the Laurel Mountains regularly, especially the years following my return from California in 2008, when I purchased my new super machine, the Suzuki Bandit 1250.
I spent most summer weekends touring the Laurel Mountains and always stopped at Nemacolin to enjoy lunch at the Tavern. I reflected, took notes and wrote my award-winning autobiography Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure Into Life’s Labyrinth, which chronicles my modern day pilgrimage – a solo motorcycle adventure across the US to walk labyrinths, while reflecting on the chapters of my life in Germany, Israel and Brazil.
Focus on Happiness and Gratitude and receive more to be grateful for!
Being accepted into the Artist Residency Program at Nemacolin felt like a continuation of everything I loved, as if the Universe took count of all my happiest moments and then presented it in a new way, ever better than anything I could have imagined.
Visions become Reality
Prior to the residency, my artist friend Claire Hardy showed me the Meditation Garden and immediately I received a clear vision of the completed labyrinth in the exact spot where I built it.
While awaiting permission to create the labyrinth it showed up in my dreams every night with growing intensity over the course of several weeks.
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to create this sacred circle on the sacred land at Nemacolin.
I invite you to embark onto your journey towards inner peace, happiness and fulfillment.
Please enjoy this contemplation for your labyrinth experience:
Walking the Labyrinth towards the Center
Focus on deep abdominal breathing, breathe out everything that does not serve you, e.g. difficult memories, emotions, negative self-talk, aspects from your body, people that don’t serve your highest good; let it go, exhale and breathe it out.
Now imagine a vibrant ball of benevolent light above your head; beautiful sunshine coming from the highest level and serving your highest good.
Breathe in the light!
Each time you breathe out and let go, more light enters your being.
Breathe in the light, breathe out everything that doesn’t serve you.
As your mind becomes calm and clear, begin focusing on gratitude and recall the happiest moments in your life.
With every step towards the center, recall more happy memories, blissful moments in your life, smiles, light and joy.
It’s easy, whatever you focus upon you receive more of!
In the Center – in the Heart of the Labyrinth
Enter the Center, the Heart of the Labyrinth, filled with a feeling of light, joy, happiness and gratitude.
Imagine placing all your happiest moments inside your heart, your center for love, self love and healing.
Your heart is light, happy and overflows with love and smiles.
The heart of the labyrinth represents your own heart.
In the center of the labyrinth we are all connected as one, transcending time and space.
Please note that newest scientific research shows that the heart contains around 40.000 brain-like cells called sensory neurites, which can store information independently from the brain. The electrical field of the heart is a 100 times stronger than the brain’s electrical field and the magnetic field is 5000 times stronger.
Western society emphasizes the brain, as our center for reasoning, thinking and logic. This is the time where you are invited to shift your focus back from your brain to your heart-center in order to regain balance and inner peace.
Embracing your Life in a New Way
Now retrace the path back to the entrance of the labyrinth. On every step of the journey feel the high vibration of gratitude, happiness, light and joy. Feel it inside your heart and inside your soul.
Each time you experience the labyrinth it symbolizes the beginning of something beautiful in your life. Take notes in your journal. Reflect upon your inner process and embrace life every day with joy, love and gratitude.
Please walk the labyrinth again and again.
For me, as a meditator since age 15, the labyrinth truly feels like an accelerator for higher consciousness.
Enjoy the journey!
Labyrinth Testimonials:
Good morning Dorit, I met you last Saturday at Nemacolin. Rita and I walked the labyrinth with you. It was such a beautiful and deeply moving experience. I appreciate your guidance and support of both of us. It was such a true heart opening. Thank you again for interpreting for us and guiding us on this beautiful journey. Sincerely Monica
I love the labyrinth you built – what a gift to leave for others to enjoy. The labyrinth walk was incredible and I feel wonderfully rejuvenated. I am feeling the urge to build a labyrinth in my garden now. Lisa