Manifest Your Destiny: Kabbalah Meditation Course
10-Week Meditation Course
For a complete list of all upcoming workshops, courses and speaking engagements, please check out the Events List.

You are invited to join a 10-week exploration of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The wisdom of Kabbalah is the wisdom to receive. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a Roadmap to Enlightenment
- Experience the power of the 10 spheres, the forces that govern the world
- Learn to live consciously
- Find your purpose
- Become the creator of your reality
- Strengthen and trust your intuitive perception
- Develop your sixth sense
- Learn to create absolute harmony and interconnectedness
- Enter a level of existence where you experience eternity and perfection
- Create miracles in your life
All guided meditations are accompanied by the relaxing sound of quartz crystal singing bowls.
Please go to the Contact Page to inquire about joining this class.
Meditation Client Testimonials
Erin H., Pittsburgh, PA
Dorit’s Kabbalah Course is the most intellectually stimulating class I have ever taken in my entire life.
Michelle L., Pittsburgh, PA
Before I met Dorit, I was my toughest critic. I remember my first class (Open Your Heart) and I struggled to write down 20, even 10 positive things about myself. At the time, I was going through a divorce and struggling with the life decision I had imposed on my children. Through meditation, Dorit taught me that I had to look for the love and the beauty in life. And it worked, my friends remarked on how I smiled more and how much happier I seemed.
Through a deeper appreciation of the gifts we have and that God has given us I find myself with a more open and positive outlook on life, towards people and most importantly of myself. Through Dorit’s classes, you will watch yourself become less judgemental of other people and more at peace with the curves life throws you. One of my favorite mantras I’ve taken away from class is that “you’re always in the right place at the right time.” I don’t ever let the situation get me down because it often turns out there was a reason I was late that day, ran into that old boss, or discovered something new.
I now look at all these situations both negative and positive as opportunities and doors opening for me. I owe so much to Dorit. I feel like I have so much control over where I go and what I do now.