Walking The Sacred Labyrinth Path
I had the great pleasure to build a labyrinth and teach an inspiring labyrinth meditation class at the Providence Point Retirement Community in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for their Healthy Aging Initiative.

During my presentation I shared the origin and history of labyrinths, told inspiring anecdotes from my 7430-mile solo cross country motorcycle adventure across the US to walk labyrinths, and following a soundbath meditation I guided the seekers into the sacred labyrinth.
I chose the 3-circuit labyrinth design for this courtyard space and just love the flowers in the center around which one circles on the journey to the inner self. Even though this is a very simple design, the results for stress reduction, inner peace and higher consciousness are very powerful.

The Three R’s during A Labyrinth Walk: Release, Receive, Reflect
Release: Following the pathway into the labyrinth consider releasing everything that does not serve your highest good. You may breathe out everything that does not serve you and breathe in light and sunshine. By the time you reach the labyrinth’s center you are filled with light and feel like a new person.
Receive: The center of the labyrinth represents your connection to the divine, your higher self and it is a place of unity and oneness. Here you may ask for guidance to life’s challenges. Be assured that the answers to your questions will emerge in the days following your labyrinth walk.
Reflect: Then trace your steps back out of the labyrinth. Count your blessings and all the good you have received throughout your life. Focus on happy memories, moments of joy and love. Every thought that enters your mind creates reality. Reflect and appreciate the blessings in your life.
Watch Dorit’s Labyrinth at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, PA
Read her award-winning autobiography!
Order now on Amazon: Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure Into Life’s Labyrinth.