Everyday Happiness: Practical Solutions for Joyful Living
10-week Meditation & Guided Imagery Course
For a complete list of all upcoming workshops, courses and speaking engagements, please check out the Events List

- Embark onto a spiritual adventure
- De-clutter your life
- Overcome fear
- Learn the key to wise decision-making
- Claim your power
- Rewrite your life-story
- Connect and balance your inner & outer spaces
- Discover the multi-dimensional essence of who you are
- Circle into wholeness
- Realize the inter-connectedness of all that is
- Live your most extraordinary life
All guided meditations are accompanied by the relaxing sound of quartz crystal singing bowls.
Please go to the Contact Page to inquire about attending this meditation workshop.
Meditation Client Testimonials
Ann T., McMurray, PA
Dorit’s Everyday Happiness course was transformational for me in several ways. First, her unique approach is based on her book and uses games, re-enactments, and meditation. As a result, the material really connected with me on a profound, intuitive level and I could more easily apply it in my everyday life.
Second, her lessons rippled outward through Happiness Circles and other at-home projects, so I found that I dramatically strengthened existing relationships. And finally, the long, deep and amazingly relaxing meditations enhanced by Dorit’s quartz singing bowls revealed some surprising life insights for me.
They also rekindled my own meditation practice, for which I am very grateful. If you want to change the way you view yourself and your life situations, create deeper family relationships and friendships and learn how to cultivate your own happiness beyond the usual platitudes and easy “how-tos”, I cannot recommend this class highly enough.
One of the most powerful tools I got from the course was gratitude. Instead of focusing on what is missing in my life or what things I want next, by acknowledging gratitude for what I have now (and how abundant the goods things in my life are), I am able to have an increased sense of peace and satisfaction. That becomes a great launching point to expand from there, because once a sense of gratitude and abundance is “what I’m all about,” then it becomes easier to see that lots of good things will continue to come my way.
I also find with practice it is increasingly easy to get back to that feeling of gratitude and abundance, which has a calming effect and helps the stress of the day melt away.
The course also encouraged me to make connections with others, by forming my own “happiness circle.” What started as a course assignment has been something that my group wants to continue and expand. It helps us all to reinforce with each other the good things in our lives.
I can’t tell you enough how the Happiness Course has made a difference for me. Although I’ve studied a number of classes with Dorit Brauer over the years, this class was extra special and the most meaningful I’ve taken.
Even though I’m happy by nature, I knew I needed to take my game to the next level because of certain life challenges and this course came at just the right time. The result after just 10 weeks is a lasting understanding of what happiness really is, how to get it and how to find it again when it hides in a shadow. I couldn’t recommend the Happiness class more. I’m grateful for having had this life-lasting experience.
Thank you, Dorit, for so many things. You have made a difference in my life and consequently in many other persons’ lives whom I have encountered. None of us is alone. I’m grateful to you for your love, strength and most of all, sharing.
In the Happiness Course, I learned that happiness comes from human connection. The happiness circles are a big part of it and I loved the idea to influence our environment in a positive way.
Also with regards to interconnectedness I realized that if I start thinking about every single person I meet as my cousin, I relate totally different to the world. I feel that all these feelings and judgments we have about people if they were our cousins we wouldn’t have those. I love my cousins.
If good things happen, then I am happy for you; if you trip, then I am going to help you stand up. We just need to start thinking about the whole world as our cousins, all of us as the human race are related.
If this happiness thing really could instill into the world that we are all connected, and we understand that all of us can only be as strong as the weakest link, then we are one.
This course taught me to create a movement of energy. It really made me wonder why people stay in a place that doesn’t make them happy. Most people stay stuck in their drama, and that becomes the story of who they are and that is boring. Stop telling the same story. Think about your future self, put your next step forward. If this life is just the preparation for the next, will you make different choices?
This course really clicked for me. I highly recommend it!
When I started the course I was at a point where I was cutting the negative, unhealthy people and patterns out of my life, so I was very isolated.
My fellow students made such a great difference because they helped me build my circles of happiness from their connections. In the beginning is wasn’t easy, because I didn’t know some of the people I sent inspirations to, but their responses reinforced what I was doing. It opened my mind to look for more positive and fun things in everyday life. I was at a place where I needed inspiration, and I came to realize that by giving inspiration I also received it.
It totally lifted my mood. I began to feel a responsibility to my fellow human beings, and not only to the people in my circle of happiness. It reminded me that everybody adds value. It began to feel as if my circle represents everyone. I make a conscious choice every day to practice the concepts I have learned in this course.
For me the definition of what success might be changed throughout the Happiness Course. I learned that connection is what life is all about. The course was transformational, and I would highly recommend it. My favorite line since this course is: “Happy Good Morning.” And I say it every day now.
The lasting tool that I take away from the Happiness Course is the ability of self-reflection by engaging others. The course gave me the ability to connect not only with my own circle of happiness, but it gave me a mirror and the ability to self-reflect.
Dorit said that at the beginning: “We can’t do this alone.” So to me the Happiness Course gave me the chance to remember that happiness does not come from the bigger events in life and the bigger wants and needs in life, but rather to be reminded that happiness is in every moment if we choose to see it. Happiness is living and breathing a beautiful morning. Happiness is waking up, snuggling to my kids. Happiness is preparing an amazing meal. Happiness is watching the people around you grow and watching their moods change and shift.
The other thing that was so apparent to me was how connected we really are. So in those moments where I may not have been feeling something during the day, then a message would pop up and it would lift my spirits. Knowing that someone else was happy made me happy for them. That sense of feeling happiness for someone else then in turn builds internal happiness. So for me feeling happy for you, made me happy.
The Happiness Course really made me elated a lot and taught me that happiness is a choice. And that happiness takes work. But I choose to be happy. I choose to say yes and thank you. Sometimes I had to remind myself of that fact and that I had a choice, and it was work but in the end it was worth it. I would totally recommend this course.