10-week online course: Manifest Your Destiny

online: 10-Week Kabbalah Meditation Course You are invited to join a 10-week exploration of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The wisdom of Kabbalah is the wisdom to receive. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a Roadmap to Enlightenment. Experience the power of the 10 spheres, the forces that govern the world Learn to live consciously […]


Chakra Balancing – Online Meditation Workshop

2021 Resilience Series Chakra Balancing Saturday, February 20. 2021 10 am - 12 noon EST A Meditation & Guided Imagery Workshop -Activate your inner power -Learn to heal yourself. -Learn to balance your body, mind and spirit utilizing the colors of the rainbow. -Learn to deepen the understanding of the specific needs of your body […]

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