Step into your Power. Live your Best Life. Thrive.
6-Week Quantum Shift your Life Meditation & Guided Imagery Course
You are invited to join an in person 6-week exploration of the highest levels of human consciousness. Receive the wisdom to live your best life, know your purpose and achieve a joyful rich life.
You will Learn:
Discover the Art of Aura Reading
Meet your Spirit Guides
Learn to listen to your Spiritual Guidance & Activate your Internal GPS
Remember your other Life Times
Transcend Time and Space
Connect to your Soul Self
Understand Your Soul Contracts for this Life Time
Practice Dream Programming & Lucid Dreaming
Become an Expert in Wise Decision Making
Experience a Level of Self Love that is beyond this World
Live a Rich and Joyful Life
Expand your Perception of Reality to Unity Consciousness
Each lesson features two original guided meditations by Dorit Brauer and assignments for continuous personal growth.
The guided meditations are accompanied by a ‘Sound Bath’ – the relaxing sound of Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, which induce alpha wave level activity of the brain, balance the hemispheres of the brain and resonate within every cell of your body, creating health, balance, and harmony.
Registration closed. Contact Dorit to pre-register for the next course.
Early registration til February 9: $495,-
Registration after February 9: $550,-
Classes take place every Thursday starting February 13. to March 20. 2025
from 7 – 9 pm EST
The Brauer Institute for Holistic Medicine
in the Lebanon Shops
300 Mt. Lebanon Blvd. Suite 220
Pittsburgh PA 15234
About the Teacher:
Dorit Brauer is an award-winning artist and author. She is the founder and owner of the Brauer Institute for Holistic Medicine. In 2016 she received the Immigrant Entrepreneur Award by Global Pittsburgh, in recognition of her achievements and enriching the Pittsburgh region with her talent and tenacity since her arrival in 1998.
Dorit is an avid meditator since 1980.
She taught Meditation & Guided Imagery in Europe since 1994 and began teaching in the US in 1998.
She taught Meditation and Guided Imagery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Center for Integrative Medicine and for Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield from 1999 – 2003 and for corporate sites until present.
Her teachings are inspired by her 2006 Near Death Experience and the insights she received.
Dorit’s vision is to empower her students to live their best lives, realize their purpose in this physical incarnation, be joyful and thrive.
Students who completed Dorit’s meditation classes at the Center for Integrative Medicine at UPMC and at Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield experienced the following benefits:
75% improved sleep
74% decreased pain
82% improved concentration and energy level
92% decreased anxiety
100% improved well-being and ability to cope with stress
Expect to experience these positive benefits from this course.
Please be inspired by the testimonials and see how a meditation course with Dorit will benefit you.