My Mom’s Secret to Good Health

Healthy Habits – Learn my Mom’s Secret to Good Health

I love my mom. The most important lesson she taught me is to always be grateful and to never take anything for granted. She loves travel and certainly infused me with the travel bug. She inspires me every day.

Now in her mid-80’s my mom is super fit and healthy and I am happy to share with you her secret:

1.) Every morning she drinks fresh squeezed orange and lemon juice (mixed together).

2.) She does not take any prescription medications.

3.) She doesn’t eat processed foods. She only cooks and bakes everything from scratch und uses fresh ingredients.

4.) Every day she goes on long walks with the dog to the River Rhine. She loves being outdoors and also walks in rain and storm. One day she even complained to me that the dog didn’t want to go with her, because of the bad weather.

5.) She loves to have fun. She has a small circle of very good friends and she loves to travel with the “Farmers’ Women Association” to different destinations in Europe.

6.) She knows how to put boundaries. She and her girlfriends get together regularly for ‘Coffee and Cake.’ She used to carpool, but now she always drives on her own. Her reasoning is that once the conversation turns to doctors’ visits, diseases and medications, she notices a shift of energy in the room and she doesn’t like the negativity. In the past she tried changing the subject to happier topics, but since it proved a futile attempt, she politely excuses herself and leaves.

7.) She takes a cold shower for a few minutes at the end of every shower, every day!!!

8.) She does her gymnastic fitness exercises naked outdoors every day, also in the winter. Our farm in Germany’s Lower Rhine Valley is very secluded and we don’t have any immediate neighbors. In case of rain there is a ledge underneath the roof where my mom exercises. She says that the fresh air is good for body and mind. (I also write about her philosophy in Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes – A Spiritual Adventure Into Life’s Labyrinth in Chapter 9)

9.) My mom eats apples every evening. When my brother and I were kids, she always cut apples for us and we ate them before bedtime.

10.) During the summer she rides her bicycle everywhere.

11.) My mom is always grateful. As a child of World War II she doesn’t take anything for granted and considers life a gift. One of the things you will hear her say often is: “Ich bin so dankbar, dass ich das erleben darf.” “I am so grateful that I am allowed to live this/experience this.” Early on I learned that if something good happens in life my first duty is to express gratitude, appreciate and say: Thank you.


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